Friday, September 28, 2007


Just wanted to post a few pictures of my latest painting before I run off to the ol' 9-5. Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

dulce means sweet

Well, I was keeping this under wraps until it came to fruition but my meeting with this consignment store turned out sweet. Like candy.
I have 6 pieces on consignment at this swank showplace on Oak Lawn Ave. One of the pieces is my newest, just finished, hot off the press painting. I think they'll be hanging in about a week. Please go visit my pieces. :)
I'm drinking some bubbly because all my hard work has finally started to edge those doors open a little. On one side of the scale you're working on hardwood floors with bruised ankles ruining your eyes over some blob of paint and the end result is your stuff is hanging amongst triple digit price tags and hopefully soon- to be hanging in someones lovely home.
The joy of creating and letting go.
I'm going to keep this little moment for a bit.
Dulce Interior Consignment Showplace
2914 Oak Lawn Ave. Dallas, Tx.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Wow, I had NO idea moles were such freaky looking creatures. At any rate I am identifying with them this week. I'm sequestered underground doing inventory. I'll blog about my art adventures when I have some. Looks like work is the big entree on lifes platter this week.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I finally finished my painting today. Note to self: take photos of it before you pack it up. Yep, packing up my artwork because they're traveling to a meeting with me. Got a little prospective deal in the works this week. Cross your fingers all my hard work may be paying off bit by bit.
Thinking about how crazy this week is going to be is just making me exhausted. I think I'm turning my brain on auto-pilot until inventory and climbing mountains of tasks are over and done with. Not even sure if that last sentence made sense! My bed is calling me with promise of sweet slumber.
The "mystery pains" still persist. Before all is said and done I'm going to be on opiates and knee deep in hospital bills. Health is a blessing I wish I had been blessed with.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


That's a picture of my little Hamuchan pencil topper. Isn't he so cute? I got him at the Kinokuniya bookstore in SFs Japantown. It's that kinda day today. I am missing San Francisco and it's too cold tap water.
I think it has partially to do with seeing Sea and Cake last night, getting beer spilled on my shoe and being airconditioned to death at House of Blues. It all amounted to me being freezing, which I always was in San Francisco.
Things have really picked up in the hive. I launched my new site! Well, it's like a simple baby site that I wanted to have online so when I get a pro to design it they have a better feel of what I'm doing and want. Please go visit it and give me your feedback:
Since I launched it I got some good leads of places interested in my artwork. Don't want to jinx it though so we'll save the champagne for another blog hopefully.
Anyway, steady working on my latest painting. Another productive weekend in my little hive. Buzz, I go.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Work In Progress

I don't really show my work while it's in progress but I thought it would be a good process for me on this painting. For one, I can look at it and think about it while I'm away. It's pretty wide and the camera didn't get the whole canvas but it will serve it's purpose. Well, this is my newest painting. It's like a fusion of my newest paintings, some of my older paintings and who knows what? Subconscious filtering.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hit Random

Theres a picture of my friend Richard Ross wandering around the show I curated: The Natural State. I have amassed lots of photos of my most recent escapades and just wanted to post a few as nice reminders. This show was fun and the artists were so talented. It was a lot of work but I think I should be ready to do another one in the Spring so hope everyone is steadily coloring up their canvases.

Last weekend I went with my sister and family to Traders Village to see the Native American heritage Festival. This is always a treat! There are dance competitions and it is really so lovely, all the costumes, community and mmmmm Fry Bread! You can go sit in the teepee and browse all the vendors selling their Native American wares. I was broke so ended up buying some seashells from this man called The Seashell Man. Seriously. I need a name as cool as that.
It was mega hot and I think next year I will go to the night dances if the weather is steamy again. I came home sunburned and ready to upchuck my Indian taco. Heat and Tigerbees are a bad mix.

Heres a picture from my birthday party. My friend brought me this "Italian Godzilla". Although most people think it's just a dinosaur. He and I had several dances together. I'm still trying to figure out where to put the little monster in my apartment. Kind of already looks like my apartment was devastated by monsters!

Kick It

I had a nice response from my myspace postings concerning my etsy shop. Although no purchases which would have been the nicest response! But a savvy gal in the UK who is making the site for an online store is interested in carrying some of my pieces and she is also doing an art store to sell paintings and wants me on board. I am currently trying out different avenues to get my work seen and exposed and SOLD. Hey, I'm living hand to mouth, ain't no shame in saying I need the money. So this little endeavor and I'm going to be shopping my stuff to some locals in the next few weeks and then my website and I'll feel like 2007 was a productive, creative year for me.
Today I have set aside for painting. Yep. I'm going to do it. The big canvas. It needs to be re-primered and started anew. I have a box commission I need to start delving into and some loose end ebay stuff to settle. Typical Sunday in the hive!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Plastic Pop

It's one of those weekends. I'm not quite ready to paint on the big scary canvas and am having to be quiet because my man is sleeping through a bout of vertigo in the next room. So I've taken to working at my worktable on some little crafts I had long abandoned. Those being the little plastic pop ornament thingies. I hated the idea of these perfect circles (I love circles) going to the landfill and since everyone burns cds you can just imagine how many of these things are out there. So while I'm not making a big dent I did tell all my friends to save these for me and my nefarious crafty schemes. Here is the first one I finished. It's sitting on etsy waiting for someones wall or fridge. Oh yeah, theres a nifty little magnet back there (and fishing line for wall hanging. The possibilities for these plastic pop things could be endless.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Series

So I haven't blogged since the show and my vacation and while I got NO painting done on my vacation I did get my studio in order so now my evenings can be consumed with painting (when I'm not recording at Shapes Central). I'm not sure if blogger will let me do a slideshow but I'm going to attempt to show you my paintings I finished and which just came off the walls at Artclub

I've got a bigger than usual canvas to re-prime then I'm off to tackle my next piece. Momentum, momentum, momentum! My birthday present to myself is going to be investing in a nicely designed site for my art. Hopefully that wil be underway soon.
Till then I'm planning the next Lollipop Shoppe (we've been planning it for AGES!)called Glitter Glamboree and just loving the fantastic weather changes!
Bring on Autumn!