Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hit Random

I'm all into my Operation Bruce Lee project right now. And this image on etsy made me smile. It's called "Carnival in Italy" and it can be found in the etsy shop called Martha Haskins who also goes by Alexandra Whatton? Maybe I'm confused but what a great image. She has some fun pineapple ACEOs I'm also quite fond of. Go have a looksee!
This is a random post so onward we go... (wait, maybe you want to know what an ACEO is and I'm being an etsy nerd...ACEO stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals)

On the first day of the new year I got good news in my inbox, which is rare...usually I just get SPAM and stupidness. But the good news was that my favorite sushi restaurant which went BYE BYE (sayonara!) in 2008 will resurface in 2009...in April to be exact. This makes me as happy as a little ハマグリ (Clam!)Sushi on Mckinney is making a comeback and I will for sure be there with my chopsticks come April reopening time.
Speaking of sushi, here is one novel idea I came across on etsy.com

His name is Sushi Ed and as it states on the site "Meet Sushi Ed
- a benevolent bean whose interest it is to show everyone a way to see the good fortune all around --- because it always is.

For just $1 ($1.75 international) - a fortune card meant just for you will be sent in the most cheer-packed mini package you ever saw. Your fortune will feature a teenie-tiny photo of your bean friend, Ed."
This is the cute creation of
Girlgolite whose got some cute felted stuff over at her etsy shop. Go peek!
More randomness from the random file- I've started a new book called "Beginning Mindfulness" by Andrew Weiss. It's like a ten week study in practicing being mindful. I really need this as my brain is always racing. ALWAYS. I know you can't tell by how cohesive todays blog was. Not random and scattered at all! I'll keep everyone posted on how the book works out for me.
The band is still finishing up the album at Hai Tex and it looks like we're getting our old practice room back so that means WOOHOO- NEW ROCK! New Rock is good. I've been experimenting with ads on myspace, let me know if you see this one around:

and the photos we took recently were all very beautifully and graciously done by David Mausey of Mausey Fashion Photography and were taken in the beautiful nowherelands of East Texas proper. Luckily no cows had left behind fan mail for us.
Ok, random is as random does. Sayonara sweeties!

1 comment:

Alex Whatton said...

Hi! Thank you for including my image of Bruce Lee - Italy is always wonderful for artsy, colorful things! As for the name confusion; my shop is named after my Grandmother, Martha Haskins - but my name is Alexandra Whatton!!! Sorry, I never realized how confusing it is!

Thanks again and happy blogging!
~ Alex
