Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sneezy Hive!

Maybe it's Hurricane Ike stirring up the winds and whatnot, but I've got the sneezes. I've been a recent sufferer of the ol' allergies, never really got too bad until I hit my twenties. Then like clockwork they flare up- just as every season changes it seems. I've been doing the local honey route and just this weekend bought some from The Honeybee Guild here in Texas. It is sweet and mellow and fresh and I got it at Farmers Market from the Pollards who maintain healthy beehives in North Texas. A noble task in light of the colony collapses we've been hearing about.
If you'd like more info about the Honeybee Guild here is their site texas honeybee guild and here is a very informative blog about them: a case of hives
The idea behind eating your local honey is to introduce all the local pollen to your system safely so that your body stops falsely reacting to it like it's a foreign enemy (hence the sneezing). And if you stop by Farmers Market look for the guy in the bee suit with the display of bees...he'll give you the buzz on bees and honey, honey!

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