Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday was spent in the studio working on another box. My English Tea Time got lots of hearts so I decided to make another in time for the big sale this weekend. Also worked on some Christmas cards and hand delivered a painted record. Busy day!
Today may find me biking to the nearest post office to shoot off that Ramones box which brings me to the subject of packing and packaging! I've been seeing some very nice eco-friendly ways of packaging and need to wrap my brain around my own idea about what works for my items. HMMMM! Any ideas? Simple but eco-friendly, not a lot of paper and frills. If I come up with any ideas I'll fill you in.
On my walk home from the doctors I noticed a lot of nice little things I could use for my natural wreath I'm planning on making. I plan on doing a HOW TO on the blog when I get that started. I really should go scoop up those little holly boughs and nice vines before someone gets the wise idea to rake their yard.
My Mom gave me some nice little pieces of wood she found, they came off some old drawers and have the nice dovetails and everything. I am inspired to make me a sign to hang outside. Going to poke around the web for ideas on using these little niceties!
Today will be THANK YOU card making day and that will be my Creative Challenge offering this week. Will post pics when they're done.
Everyone is off enjoying the holidays this week but a busy bees work is never done. Am definitely looking forward to doing NOTHING on Thanksgiving day..nothing but eating and enjoying my family. Buzzing off, keep it kind!

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